O God, come to my aid+
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you for the lives and missions of St. Peter and St. Paul, ardent apostles of Your beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. As you have enriched them with many graces and gifts, we ask you, Father, to meet our needs, both spiritual and material (ask for the grace you want to achieve). This we ask through the merits of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the intercession of St. Peter and St. Paul. Amen.
Scriptural Reading (2 Cor. 4:7-14)
But we hold this treasure in pots of earthenware so that the immensity of the power is God’s and not our own. We are subjected to every kind of hardship, but never distressed; we see no way out but we never despair; we are pursued but never cut off; knocked down, but still have some life in us; always we carry with us in our body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus, too, may be visible in our body. Indeed, while we are still alive, we are continually being handed over to death, for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus, too, may be visible in our mortal flesh. In us, then, death is at work; in you, life. But as we have the same spirit of faith as is described in scripture — I believed and therefore I spoke -we, too, believe and therefore we, too, speak, realizing that he who raised up the Lord Jesus will raise us up with Jesus in our turn, and bring us to himself — and you as well.
The Word of the Lord…
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Saint Peter, great fisher of souls and foundation of the Church, great son of the heavenly Father, excellent servant and helper of Christ, chosen instrument of the Holy Spirit, I bless you for the eminent graces that the Most High has bestowed on you. From you the first Pope, all spiritual powers are extended to your successors and to the entire body of the Holy Church. Pray for her and protect all her flock, all her priests, bishops, and above all the present Pope. Imprint on the children of the Church a sincere love for their Mother the Church; to the priests, your constancy, your spirit of sacrifice and your zeal for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls, and grant me the grace I ask of you in this novena. Holy Apostle, St. Paul, who by your teachings and with your charity, have taught the entire world; look kindly upon us, your children and disciples. We expect everything from your prayers to the Divine Master and Mary, Queen of the Apostle. Grant, Doctor of the Gentiles, that we may live by faith, save ourselves by hope, and that charity alone reign in us. Obtain for us, vessel of election, docile correspondence to divine grace, so that it may not remain unfruitful in us. Grant that we may ever better know you, love you, and imitate you; that we may be living members of the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. Raise up many and holy disciples. May the warm breath of true charity permeate the entire world. Grant that all may know and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ the Divine Master, the Way and Truth and Life. And, Lord Jesus, you know we have no faith in our own powers. In your mercy grant that we may be defended against all adversity, through the powerful intercession of St. Paul, our Teacher, and Father (make other particular requests). Amen.
Our Father…10 Hail Marys…Glory be… (For those who are lukewarm in the reception of the Church’s Sacraments)
Lord have mercy on us
Christ has mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us
Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles of Christ, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, Holy Martyrs of the Lord, pray for us!
Saints Peter and Paul, Pillars of the Church, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, Proclaimers of the Gospel, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, Models of faith, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, Examples of missionaries, pray for us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Forgive us O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Hear us O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Have mercy on us.
Pray for us, glorious St. Peter and St. Paul, that we may be worthy of Christ’s promises. Amen.
Let Us Pray
O God, who grants us the joy of celebrating St. Peter and St. Paul, the pillars of the Church, disciples, and missionaries of Jesus Christ, instill in us the faith that animated them and the courage and missionary zeal, to love more Our Lord Jesus Christ and make him loved and known to all. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen!
To the glorious Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, for being the rock on which God built His Church; To Blessed St. Paul, because he was chosen by God as a preacher of the Truth throughout the world. Grant, we ask, a living Faith, firm Hope and ardent Charity; a total self-emptying, contempt for ‘worldly desires’, patience in adversity, humility in prosperity, attention to prayer, sincere intention at work, diligence in fulfilling obligations, constancy in purposes, conformity with God’s will and perseverance in divine grace until death, so that through your intercession and your glorious merits, overcoming the temptations of the world, the devil and the flesh, we may be worthy to appear before the supreme and eternal Shepherd of souls, Jesus Christ, to enjoy and love eternally He who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, God forever and ever. Amen.
May the Divine assistance remain always with us, and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Through the intercessions of St. Peter and St. Paul, may Almighty God bless + us, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Great job praying Day 8! 
Click here for Day 9 Prayers
- My Catholic Prayers and Devotions
- © Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil
nozickcjoe@gmail.com / fadacjay@gmail.com
Have you prayed your rosary today?
Oh!! I love this song derived from today’s reading of the novena.
We are troubled on every side,
Yet not distressed.
We are perplexed, but not in despair,
Persecuted, but not forsaken,
Cast down but not destroy,
I tell you many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him from them all,
Though you fall,
You shall not be utterly cast down,
For the Lord God upholds you with his hand.
Yes ooooooo
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but they are not perturb Saints Peter and Paul intercede for us during this time of our difficulties amen
St Peter and St Paul…. Pray for our Country Nigeria and the World at large, amen .
St. Peter and Paul. Pray for us and Obtain for us, vessel of election, docile correspondence to divine grace, so that it may not remain unfruitful in us. Amen
St Peter and St Paul pray for us Amen
Pray for us, glorious St. Peter and St. Paul, that we may be worthy of Christ’s promises. Amen
St Peter and St Paul, pray for us. Amen.
St. Peter and st. Paul through your intercession may we be given the grace to be true followers of Christ & better Christian,
SS Peter and Paul, powerful disciples of Christ, pray for divine favours for me to the glory of your name.
Sts Peter and Paul pray for us
Saints Peter and Paul pray for us
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us Amen
Saints Peter and Paul, Proclaimers of the Gospel, pray for us.
St. Peter and St. Paul, ardent apostles of lOur Lord Jesus Christ, Pray for me, my husband and my children. Amen
St Peter and st Paul pray for us and our nation Nigeria for good leadership.
St Peter and St Paul, pray for us.
St. Peter and St Paul pray for us, that all the affliction of my family by the evildoers will be remove in name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, Amen .
St Peter and St Paul pray for the Pope and the pilgrim church on earth
St Peter and Paul
Pray for us
May through the intercession of St Peter and St Paul, God bless us, Amen
Saints Peter and Paul, proclaimers of the gospel, pray for us
May the intercession of St. Peter and St. Paul bring my children and husband to the Holy Eucharist amen
St Peter and Paul pray for us
Show us your way O Lord, we are sinners and want to come back to you Amen
St Peter and St Paul… please Pray for my Husband and all his intentions Amen!!
Saints Peter and Paul pray for us. Amen
Saints Peter and Paul, Pillars of the Church, pray for us.
Through the intercession of St Peter and st Paul may God grant us our request Amen
St’s. Peter and Paul, pillars of the church, pray for us Amen
St.Peter and St. Paul pillars of the church be the pillars over my home and my husband work i ask this through Jesus christ our Lord amen.
St.Peter and St.Paul pray for us amen
SS peter and Paul, pray for us.
Pray for us, glorious St. Peter and St. Paul, that we may be worthy of Christ’s promises. Amen.
St Peter and St Paul servants of the Most High God, pray for us and obtain for us the favours we ask, ljn
Saints Peter and Paul, Models of faith, pray for me, my husband, my children and my siblings. Amen
St Peter and St Paul intercede for the church of Christ on earth that God may send more zealous labourers into his vineyard.
Through the intercession of Saint Peter and Saint Paul the great apostles of Christ, and the pillars of the Church, may the grant both my spiritual, material, financial and other needs for the greater glory of God. Amen.
Through the intercession of Saint Peter and Paul may God show mercy to my son Emmanuel who go for interview this morning. Thank you Jesus for everything.
Saints Peter and Paul, kindly intercede for us.
Through the intercession of St Peter and St Paul may the Lord grant our petitions Amen
St Peter and St Paul ,pray for my family, unlock every closed doors in jesus name amen