In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
O Most Holy Mary, as we celebrate your Assumption in body and soul to the glory of Heaven, we implore you to help us to live with faith and hope in this world, seeking always and in all things the Kingdom of God.
O Lady assumed to Heaven, help us to open ourselves to the presence and action of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that creates and renews, capable of transforming our hearts.
O Lady of the Assumption, enlighten our minds about the destiny that awaits us – the eternal joy in the heavenly homeland – of the dignity of each one of us and the nobility of our bodies and of our souls, who may one day be with you in the glory of Heaven.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, raised to Heaven, show yourself to us all as Mother of faith, hope and love!
The doctrine of the Assumption of Mary is already prefigured in the book of Psalms: “GO UP, LORD TO THE PLACE OF YOUR REST, YOU AND THE ARK OF YOUR STRENGTH…” (Ps. 132:8). In this light, the Blessed Virgin Mary could be understood as the ARK of the Lord’s strength. How could this be explained? In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with the Israelites on Mt. Sinai through Moses. This is known as “The Law” contained in two Tablets of Stones. This was usually kept in an Ark prepared for it (cf. Exd. 25:10-22). Put differently, the Ark was the dwelling place of the Covenant, (that is, its tent). Consequently, in the New Testament, we come to contemplate the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant, for she was privileged to provide a fitting dwelling place for our Lord Jesus Christ (the New Covenant) in her womb (the Ark). Jesus Christ is the New Covenant at its core. He embodies everything the New Covenant is. At the Last Supper, we hear Him saying: “This is the Cup of my blood, the blood of the NEW and EVERLASTING COVENANT…” (Cf. Mt. 26:27-28). (To be continued…)
Silent Prayer and Reflection…
Most beloved Mother, you agreed to give your whole person and life so that the mystery of God’s love and power would become visible to men; as a result, God fulfilled the mystery of salvation in you and made it shine for the pilgrim people on earth, a sign of consolation and sure hope. May we, the disciples of your beloved Son, following your examples and intercessions, experience the destiny of grandeur and glory to which God has called each of us. Since your glorious feast has become a source of renewed strength for our lives, may you intercede with her Son so that the whole family of peoples may happily come together in one People of God, for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. Before your majesty, I present the following intentions for your maternal care (state your requests)
Recite 3 Hail Marys for the favour you seek to obtain.
O Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Great Mary (Pray for us)
Greatest of Marys
Greatest of Women
Mother of Eternal Glory
Mother of the Golden Light
Honour of the Sky
Temple of the Divinity
Fountain of the Gardens
Serene as the Moon
Bright as the Sun
Garden Enclosed
Temple of the Living God
Light of Nazareth
Beauty of the World
Queen of Life
Ladder of Heaven
Mother of God
O sovereign queen of the Angels, we well know that as miserable sinners, we were not worthy to possess you in this vale of tears, and we know that your greatness does not make you forget our misery. In the midst of so much glory, your compassion, far from diminishing, increases more and more for us. From the height of that throne where you reign over all the angels and saints, turn your merciful gaze upon us; see how many storms and a thousand dangers encircle us in these turbulent times. Our queen and mother, obtain for us the increase in faith, confidence, and holy perseverance in friendship with God, so that we can, one day, go kiss your feet and unite our voices with those of the heavenly spirits,
to praise and sing your glories eternally in heaven – Ave Maria! Amen.
Concluding Anthem
Holy Queen we bend before thee,
Queen of purity divine,
Make us love thee, we implore thee
Make us truly to be thine.
Teach O teach us, Holy Mother,
How to conquer every sin,
How to love and help each other
How the prize of life to win.
Thou to whom a child was given,
Greater than the sons of men
Coming down from highest heaven
To create the world again.
O by that Almighty Maker
Whom thyself, a virgin bore
O by the Supreme Creator
Linked with thee for ever more.
Oh the hope thy name inspires,
By our doom, reversed thru, thee
Help us, Queen of Angel Choirs,
To a blest eternity.
Through the intercession of Our Lady assumed into heaven, may the Lord bless + us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Great job praying Day 3! Click here for Day 4 Prayers

© Written by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /
PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?
Amazing prayers and well structured Novena prayers. I’m really enjoying myself praying and singing hymns of our Lady and Mother. As a legionary, I have come to appreciate my association with this great woman and I want to keep testifying to her wonders. Thank you Fr. Chinaka for this great platform and I pray that your oil of wisdom will never run dry. Amen
Queen assumed into heaven help us from all our challenges n difficulty n grant our heart desires Amen thank you Father Justin Chinaka for showing us the sure way to obtain solutions to our various challenges n draw more closer to God in this period of confusion all over the world
Oh Lady assumed into heaven pray for us who have recourse to thee Amen
“Our queen and mother, obtain for us the increase in faith, confidence, and holy perseverance in friendship with God, so that we can, one day, go kiss your feet and unite our voices with those of the heavenly spirits,
to praise and sing your glories eternally in heaven – Ave Maria! Amen.”
Mother of Eternal Glory. Amen
Temple of the Divinity pray for us
Help us, Queen of Angel Choirs,
To a blest eternity.
Holy mother help us to conquer sin and live in love with one another.
O Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O Queen assumed without sin, pray for us. Amen
You know my heart’s desires.
Mother Mary help us
Please I need further explanations on these titles of Mary;
Mother of the Golden Light
Honour of the Sky
Temple of the Divinity
Fountain of the Gardens
Serene as the Moon
Bright as the Sun
Garden Enclosed
O Blessed Virgin Mary, raised to Heaven, show yourself to us all as Mother of faith, hope and love….Amen
Our Lady seat of Wisdom pray for us
O Mary assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Amen and Amen
Thank you so much for all the Novena, it shows me so much the love Mother Mary has for us. May the LORD bless you Fr. Cjay
Mother of Eternal Glory, pray for us
Through the intercession of Our Blessed Virgin Mary assumed into heaven may God grant our request in Jesus name Amen
O sovereign mother, we implore you to come to our aide, hear our cry and intercede for us all through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady assumed into heaven, pray for us Amen
Oh Bless Virgin Mary please pray for my intentions to be granted.Through Christ Our Lord Amen
Oh Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Teach us how to conquer every sin.
O Mary assume into heaven pray for us
Dear mother of the world continue to us how to conquer every sin and rather focus on the prize of eternal life. Amen
Greatest of Women, Pray for me, my husband and my children. Amen
O Lady assumed into heaven pray for your children all over the world
O Lady of the Assumption, enlighten our minds about the destiny that awaits us – the eternal joy in the heavenly homeland, amen!
Oh the hope thy name inspires,
By our doom, reversed thru, thee
Help us, Queen of Angel Choirs,
To a blest eternity. Amen
Our Lady assume into heaven, the temple of Divinity, please Inteceed for me, my husband and marriage. Deliver me from the lies and the false aligation laid against me. Draw my accusers to yourself. Amen
Teach us O holy mother Mary ,how to conquer every Sin and live a life worthy of love
Mother of Eternal Glory…Pray for us.
St Lawrence, please help us in our journey of Faith in life
Oh Queen Assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, Amen
Most beloved Mother, you agreed to give your whole person and life so that the mystery of God’s love and power would become visible to men, grant me the grace to give all I have in serving the Lord through my words, thoughts and actions.
Our lady assumed into heaven, pray for us
Healing mercies upon me oh Mother Mary
Our Lady of Assumption, pray for us Amen
Amen and Amen…..Amen!!!
Queen assumed into heaven pray for us
O Mary, help us your children and intercede for us Amen
Our queen and mother, obtain for us the increase in faith, confidence, and holy perseverance in friendship with God, so that we can, one day, go kiss your feet and unite our voices with those of the heavenly spirits,
to praise and sing your glories eternally in heaven – Ave Maria! Amen.
Continue to intercede for us oh Queen. ..
Oh mother assumed into heaven pray for us. Amen
Our Mother assumed into heaven, pray for us and the whole world.
O Queen Assumed into Heaven. Pray for us. Amen!!!
Our lady bright as the sky.. Pray for us