In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
O Most Holy Mary, as we celebrate your Assumption in body and soul to the glory of Heaven, we implore you to help us to live with faith and hope in this world, seeking always and in all things the Kingdom of God.
O Lady assumed to Heaven, help us to open ourselves to the presence and action of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that creates and renews, capable of transforming our hearts.
O Lady of the Assumption, enlighten our minds about the destiny that awaits us – the eternal joy in the heavenly homeland – of the dignity of each one of us and the nobility of our bodies and of our souls, who may one day be with you in the glory of Heaven.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, raised to Heaven, show yourself to us all as Mother of faith, hope, and love!
Above all, given the antecedent clarifications, the Church in her wisdom, and guided by the Holy Spirit affirms that Mary was taken into heaven – that is, body and soul. Even as the event (story) of Mary being taken up to heaven is not literarily contained in Scripture (since everything cannot be contained therein); however, the teaching remains deeply rooted in the Scripture as explained above. For these reasons, on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of faith in his apostolic constitution “Munificentissimus Deus,” saying: “We pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” This is called the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into heaven and it is celebrated every 15th day of August. It is a holy day of obligation, and Catholics are obliged to attend Mass.
May the good Lord continually grant each and every one of us the grace to continue to fight the good fight, so that after the completion of the course of our earthly lives, or at the last day, we might be “taken up” into the clouds to meet the Lord and our Blessed Mother, and be given the crown of unfading glory, Amen.
Silent Prayer and Reflection…
O dearest Mother, like your Son, you allowed yourself to be ensnared by the powers of death at the completion of your earthly course, but without delay you broke the siege, turning your apparent defeat into resounding triumph by the grace of the most bountiful God. You who gave our Lord Jesus Christ your very flesh and blood was deemed fit by the Almighty to rise into glory, the same way the body of Our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into glory. Grant that through your prayers and aid, we too, your faithful children, may rise into glory after the completion of our earthly lives. Before your majesty, I present the following intentions for your maternal care (state your requests).
Recite 3 Hail Marys for the favour you seek to obtain.
O Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Great Mary (Pray for us)
Greatest of Marys
Greatest of Women
Mother of Eternal Glory
Mother of the Golden Light
Honour of the Sky
Temple of the Divinity
Fountain of the Gardens
Serene as the Moon
Bright as the Sun
Garden Enclosed
Temple of the Living God
Light of Nazareth
Beauty of the World
Queen of Life
Ladder of Heaven
Mother of God
O sovereign queen of the Angels, we well know that as miserable sinners, we were not worthy to possess you in this vale of tears, and we know that your greatness does not make you forget our misery. In the midst of so much glory, your compassion, far from diminishing, increases more and more for us. From the height of that throne where you reign over all the angels and saints, turn your merciful gaze upon us; see how many storms and a thousand dangers encircle us in these turbulent times. Our queen and mother, obtain for us the increase in faith, confidence, and holy perseverance in friendship with God, so that we can, one day, go kiss your feet and unite our voices with those of the heavenly spirits, to praise and sing your glories eternally in heaven – Ave Maria! Amen.
Concluding Anthem
1. Mary, let Perpetual Succour
Be the answer, to our prayer,
For thy Son, of all the wretched
Gives to thee perpetual care.
Ever ready help hast thou,
Let thy children feel it now.
2. Of our passions we are weary,
Weary of the yoke of sin;
Yet though longing to be holy,
Faint of heart we ne’er begin.
3. Though we try to rise, yet ever
Down in misery we fall;
So like feeble children sadly,
For our Mother’s help we call.
4. Let us feel thy help in sorrow,
Mourners look for joy to thee:
Spurn not God’s unhappy creatures,
Whatsoe’er their faults may be.
5. Succour all, both priests and people,
Who to thee their homage pay,
Toiling men and praying women,
Help them on thy festal day.
Through the intercession of Our Lady assumed into heaven, may the Lord bless + us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Great job praying Day 8! Click here for Day 9 Prayers

© Written by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /
PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?
Oh Lady assumed into heaven pray for us who have recourse to thee Amen
Though we try to rise, yet ever
Down in misery we fall;
So like feeble children sadly,
For our Mother’s help we call.
O hear our prayers, dear Mother. Amen.
Amen sweet Mother of perpetual help, pray for us.
Mary of Assumption, help us always by interceding for your children
Mama Mary Biko wepuru m oya suga..Biko ayogi Nuru olu anyi
Mary, Undoer of Knots, dearest Mother, I thank you for undoing the knots in our lives. Wrap us in your mantle of love, keep us under your protection, enlighten us with your peace! Amen
T you our Mother of Perpetual Help do we turn for succour in this valley of tears!! You are our mother.
O Lady of the Assumption. Amen
O Mary assumed into heaven pray for us
Amen and Amen thank you Jesus
Ave Maria.
O Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Oh Mary assumed into Heaven,prat for us.Amen.
Mary, the greatest of women, pray for us Amen.
Our Lady beauty of the world, pray for us Amen
May the lady of the assumption help me and my family and intercede for us all through Christ our Lord. I pray for peace in Nigeria and may Justice prevail. Ameb
Oh Mary assumed into heaven ,pray for us ,
Oh Mary assumed into heaven,pray for us
Oh Mary assumed into heaven, pray for us
Greatest of Mary pray for us
CONCLUDING ANTHEM TO THE IMMACULATE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 1. Mary, let Perpetual Succour Be the answer, to our prayer, For thy Son, of all the wretched Gives to thee perpetual care. Chorus: Ever ready help hast thou, Let thy children feel it now. 2. Of our passions we are weary, Weary of the yoke of sin; Yet though longing to be holy, Faint of heart we ne’er begin. 3. Though we try to rise, yet ever Down in misery we fall; So like feeble children sadly, For our Mother’s help we call. 4. Let us feel thy help in sorrow,… Read more »
O most holy mary. Pray for us
Through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady assumed into heaven may God bless us in Jesus name Amen
Temple of the living God, pray for us. AMEN.
Today we are told that Jesus calms our storms and also saves us from sinking. Let this be our confidence and consolation that we have a God who cares. May His mother continue to intercede for us. O queen assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recoursed to thee
Mary assumed into heaven, intercede for us. Amen
Mother Mary help us
O Mary assumed into Heaven , Pray for us sinners, and help us to live holy lives that will help us gain Heaven our homeland at the end of our life. Amen.
I blessed mother Mary ever virgin, as we move closer to the end of this great novena I pray that I will receive positive response to all the graces I am praying for. Amen. Our lady ladder of heaven, pray for us
Queen of life, pray for us
Mary, let Perpetual Succour
Be the answer, to our prayer,
For thy Son, of all the wretched
Gives to thee perpetual care.
Ever ready help hast thou,
Let thy children feel it now. Amen
Thanks be to God for the grace of coming this far with the Novena prayer. May He bring this prayer session to a glorious conclusion through the intercessions of Our Lady Queen Assumed into Heaven. Amen.
Our Lady of Assumption, Queen of Life, pray for us, that we your Faithful Children will rise into glory, after our earthly Lives, Amen
Mary Assume into heaven pray for us.
Oh Mary conceived without original sin pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Our Mother assumed into heaven pray for us and the whole world.
Light of Nazareth, pray for your children all over the world
With a Gratefull heart Lord.,
Mary assumed into heaven, pray for us Amen
Oh Mary assumed into heaven pray for us
Oh dearest Mother…help me!
Our lady of Assumption pray for us Amen
O Queen Assumed into Heaven, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, Amen
Amen and Amen
O Mother assume into Heaven ,Pray for us who are recourse to thee
O Mary assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O Queen assumed into heaven, pray for me, my husband and my children who have recourse to thee. Amen