NOVENA PRAYERS TO ST. JOSEPH DAY 1: ST. JOSEPH’S ROSARY (This prayer is to be said during this period of Novena to St. Joseph) This is the...
Author - Chinaka Justin Mbaeri
A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.
Dear friends, I welcome you all to the month of St. Joseph. The feast day is March 19, as a devotee of St. Joseph, I would embark on “online novena” to...
THE ROSARY IN THE HOLY BIBLE INBOX QUESTION: I received an inbox question on and it goes thus: “Good day gentle man, I’m an engineer by profession and a...
THE PARABLE OF THE MERCIFUL FATHER: A GOSPEL REFLECTION FOR 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT, YEAR C This parable throws an in-depth explanation of this “Year of Mercy” and it...
INBOX QUESTIONS: “Hello Chinaka, I have some questions, please help me out. Why don’t we say ‘Amen’ at baptism, when the priest says I baptize you in the name of the...
I welcome you all to this Catholic Community. I give thanks to God for the realization of this project which took a longer time than expected; a work chiefly...