Opening Prayer:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we continue our novena to the Guardian Angels, seeking their guidance and protection in our lives. As we gather in prayer today, help us to grow closer to our Guardian Angels and to trust in their presence. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Scriptural Reading and Meditation:
Read and meditate on Psalm 34:7:
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”
Imagine yourself in a campsite surrounded by the protective presence of the angel of the Lord. Visualize a peaceful and secure place where you are shielded from harm and danger. Here are some points to reflect on:
- Encamped by Angels: The image of the angel of the Lord encamping around you signifies a circle of divine protection. Picture your Guardian Angel and other heavenly beings forming a protective barrier, like a loving embrace, guarding your physical and spiritual well-being.
- Fear of the Lord: Consider the phrase, “those who fear him.” In this context, “fear” means a profound reverence and awe for God. Reflect on how your reverence for God draws His protective angels closer to you. It is a reminder that when we seek to live in accordance with God’s will, we are under His special care.
- Deliverance: Contemplate the assurance of deliverance mentioned in the verse. When you encounter challenges, difficulties, or threats, visualize the angel of the Lord coming to your aid, providing the strength and guidance needed to overcome those obstacles.
- Trust and Surrender: This verse invites you to trust in the protective presence of your Guardian Angel and God’s divine plan. Surrender any fears or anxieties you may have, knowing that you are surrounded by heavenly assistance.
- Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the angelic protection in your life. Reflect on times when you may have felt divinely rescued or guided by your Guardian Angel.
As you meditate on this verse, let it fill you with a sense of peace and confidence in God’s protective care. Trust that your Guardian Angel is always by your side, encamping around you, and that you are never alone on your journey through life. (Now, if you have just ONE favour per day to ask your guardian angel, what would that be? ASK him! JUST ONE…)
Short Litany to the Guardian Angels:
Holy Guardian Angels, protectors of our souls, Pray for us
Faithful companions on our earthly journey, Pray for us
Guiding us with wisdom and love, Pray for us
Interceding for us before the throne of God, Pray for us
Defenders against the snares of the enemy, Pray for us
Comforters in times of fear and doubt, Pray for us
Bringing us God’s messages and inspirations, Pray for us
Leading us closer to Jesus, Pray for us
Watching over us day and night, Pray for us
My dear guardian angel, help us to recognize your presence and guidance in our lives. Amen
Improving Our Closeness and Friendship with Our Guardian Angels:
Take a moment to reflect on how you can improve your relationship with your Guardian Angel. Consider how you can be more aware of their presence and guidance in your daily life. This may include praying to them more frequently, asking for their help in specific situations, or simply acknowledging their presence with gratitude. In this very context, utilize this moment to thank your guardian angel for offering that ONE petition you asked him to God. Thank him for interceding for you as your closest friend. Thank God in faith for the answered prayer, and believing God for your testimonies.
Prayer to our Guardian Angels:
Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day/night be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Concluding Prayer:
Heavenly Father, as we conclude this second day of our novena to the Guardian Angels, we thank you for their constant presence and protection. May we grow in trust and awareness of their guidance in our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with me, He has sent my guardian angel to minister, guard, and protect me…
Through the intercession of our guardian angels, may the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Great job praying Day 2! Click here for Day 3 Prayers

© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo /
Have you prayed your rosary today?
Oh Lord, grant that I may grow in trust and awareness of my Guardian Angel always in my life.
My guardian angel pray for us
My Guardian angel, continue to protect and guide me Amen.
Dear guardian angel, our closeness on life’s journey I do not take for granted continue to intercede for me. Amen
My guardian Angel, protect and guard me
Angel of the Lord, my guardian dear, protect me and my family from all dangers through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen
Guiding us us with wisdom and love, pray for us. AMEN.
My guardian Angel pray for me and my family. Amen
My guardian angel continue to protect and guide me and my family Amen
Help me dear Lord to be aware that my Guardian Angel is always besides me at all times and pray constantly that he will always intervene in all that concerns me.
My Guardian Angels be at my side today to protect me and give me peace of mind
My Guardian Angels please protect and shied me and my family from every harm and enemies
Thank you Jesus
My Guardian Angels continually protect my sister Ifeoma Igbozulike heal her permanently and give her joy and long life
Holy guardian angel. Intercede for us before the throne of God
My dear guardian angel, help us to recognize your presence and guidance in our lives. Amen
O angel of God my guardian angel, to whom God’s love commit me here.. ever this day, be at my side… To light and guard to rule and guide me… Amen
O Angel of God my Guardian Angel, intercede for me. Amen.
Thank you so much For. CJay for bringing out more vividly to us the reality of our guardian angels. Dear Guardian Angels, pray for us!
My Guidance Angel. Watch over me and protect me from the snares and wickness of the evil ones.
My guardian angel always be at my side to direct my steps to the right path amen
My Guardian Angel journey with me. Amen
Thank You Jesus Christ for providing a good friend, my guidian Angel. Amen
Holy Guardian Angel,defenders against the snares of the enemy, Pray for us……..Amen
Thank you my guardian angel
Oh Lord, grant me the grace to be close to my guardian angel all the days of my life Amen .
My guardian angel minister, guard and protect me Amen
My guardian angel continue to protect and guide me and my family in Jesus name amen.
Our guidan Angels, watch over us
Oh my guardian angel,my beat friend,take me to d other side of Greener pastures in jesus name amen
Oh my guardian Angel, may you always be close to me in all the time, like a friend may you always stand by me. Intercede for and defend me in danger, amen
My Guardian Angel pray for me Amen
Oh! My Guardian Angel protect me from all snares of the evil one , Amen
May my guardian Angel continue to shield me from every harm and danger in Jesus name Amen
May our guardian angels, always stay closer at all times.
My Dear guardian angel I trust in you . You are indeed my perfect protector. Pray for me now and always. Amen.
May God grant me the grace to be more sensitive to the presence of my guardian angel. Amen
Pray with me that I may have enabling graces to live a life that glorifies God
In faith I believe that my guardian angel has taken the one favour I asked today before the throne of God and that I shall obtain the favour if it be the will of God, amen. My guardian angel, pray for me
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day/night be at my side. To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
I pray that my guardian angel Will not live me again to work alone through Christ our lord Amen
My dear guardian angel, help us to recognize your presence and guidance in our lives. Amen
May our guardian Angels continue to guard & protect us. Amen
Thank you Father CJAY for this forum. Learning everyday. Thank you for all the spiritual awakening
My guardian angel, may I always recognize your presence with me always and appreciate you every second
May my guardian angel protect me in time of trouble
May our Holy Angels protect and pray for us, Amen.
My guardian angel thanks for protecting me