Today, being the eighth day of our journey with the Blessed Virgin Mary in her month of May, we find ourselves stationed around her immaculateness, under the invocation, “Mother Undefiled”. The concept “undefiled” is an adjective, meaning, immaculate, pure, impeccable, flawless, clear, clean, spotless, unsullied, sinless, unstained, unsoiled, wholesome, unblemished, etc. Therefore, invoking our Lady as “Mother undefiled” also implies that she was conceived without original sin. And when this undefiled Mother was crowned in heaven, one of her queenly titles becomes: “Queen conceived without Original Sin”. Therefore, reflecting on her title, “Mother undefiled” invariably implies “Queen conceived without Original Sin”.

What does it mean to invoke our lady as the “Immaculate Conception” or “Mother undefiled”? Here, we simply mean that Mary, whose conception was brought about the normal way, was conceived without original sin or its stain. Thus, by affirming that Mary was conceived without Original sin, it follows then, that she did not commit any sin during her lifetime on earth. Now, why say this of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when St. Paul obviously said, “All have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God?” (Rm. 3:23)

The Church affirms Mary’s immaculateness as “Mother Undefiled” from the truths of Sacred Scripture and Tradition. Beginning with the Scriptures, we see that the traditional translation, “full of grace,” (kecharitomene) is interpreted in a different way in many recent versions of the New Testament, which give something along the lines of “highly favoured daughter.” Since the New Testament was originally written in Greek, the expression of the angel in Greek, “kecharitomene” never mentions the word for “daughter”, it simply means “full of grace.” Nevertheless, even if we go by the translation of the recent versions of today’s bibles, we can still see that Mary is indeed a highly favoured daughter of God, and the question is: “how can one who is highly favoured by God be exposed to the corruption of original sin?” indeed, the highly favoured one must be an exception to the phrase: “for all have sinned and fallen short of God’s grace…” (Rom. 3:23).

Therefore, the grace given to Mary is at once permanent and of a unique kind. As explained earlier in one of my posts, the Greek, ‘kecharitomene’ is a perfect passive participle of ‘charitoo,’ meaning “to fill or endow with grace.” Since this term is in the ‘perfect tense,’ it indicates that Mary was graced in the past and with continuing effects in the present. So, the grace Mary enjoyed was not a result of the angel’s visit. In fact, the Church holds, it extended over the whole of her life, from conception onward. She was in a state of sanctifying grace from the first moment of her existence because she has been chosen even before she was born. Little wonder she says in her ‘Magnificat: “My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour… the Almighty has done ‘great’ things for me…” (Luke 1:47ff) The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that she was “redeemed in a more exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son” (CCC #492). She has more reason to call God her Saviour than we do because He saved her in an even more glorious manner…

Invoking our Lady as the “Mother undefiled” implies that she was free from the defilement of sin. We should have it in mind that there are two types of sins: Original sin and Actual sin. Original sin is the sin we all inherited from our first parents (Adam and Eve), which is necessarily washed away by our Baptism. While Actual sin is referred to as the sins we commit in our day to day lives. It is true that if Adam and Eve had not committed the Original sin, we won’t be sinners today; because the Original sin infuses “concupiscence” (the tendency to often commit sin) in every man. Thus, the Original sin gave way for Actual sin. Having exposed this, and following the syllogism of the point above, we can say that since Mary was preserved from Original Sin, it also implies that she did not commit an Actual Sin. Now, looking at the Pauline phrase cited above “All have sinned”, the first question that arises here is, have all people committed actual sins? The answer is obviously no. This is indicated in St. Paul in the letter to the Romans when he speaks of the time when Jacob and Esau were unborn babies as a time when they “had done nothing either good or bad” (cf. Rom. 9:11). Apparently, because a child below the age of reasoning, by definition, cannot sin, since sinning requires the ability to reason. Notwithstanding, the idea is that we’re all sinners. Therefore, the term “all” is used to refer to the majority.

The second question is, what of original sin? We Christians all know that a very prominent exception to the rule is Christ Jesus (cf. Heb. 4:15). So, if Paul’s statement in Romans 3 includes an exception for the New Adam (Jesus), one may argue that an exception for the New Eve (Mary) can also be made. How is this possible? The book of Genesis 3:15, says: “And God said to the serpent ‘I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and hers; it will crush your head while you strike at its heel.’” Now, what does the passage of Genesis have to do with Mary’s Immaculate Conception? Genesis 3:15 is the first passage in the Bible that refers to Jesus defeating satan on the cross. It is also the first verse that shows us how Mary would become the New Eve. The Seed of the “Woman”, who would crush the serpent’s head, is Jesus. The Woman at enmity, or hostility with the serpent, is Mary. It was God who put this hostility between Mary and satan (the serpent), and it is believed to be in the same likeness as Christ’s hostility for the seed of the serpent. What exactly does all this mean? For Mary to be like Christ in His hostility for satan forever, it is very possible to say that this passage implies Mary’s lack of sin. What better way is there to be in total hostility with satan than to be in God’s constant grace? As the New Eve, Mary undid the “No” of the Old Testament Eve by saying, “YES” to bear Jesus. Therefore, how can someone who’s in enmity with satan be with sin, since sin is of satan? Impossible!

A confusion that may arise here is: if Mary were without sin, then, can we say she is equal to God? No! In the beginning, God created Adam, Eve, and the angels without sin, but none of them was equal to God. Most of the angels never sinned, and all souls in heaven are without sin. This does not take away the glory of God but manifests it by the work He has done in sanctifying his creation. Sinning does not make one human; rather, it is when man is without sin that he is most fully what God intends him to be: “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Also in another passage, St. Peter quotes Leviticus 11:44 and exhorts the Christians to be holy in the way God is holy (cf. 1Peter 1:16)

Importantly, on Thursday, 25th March 1858, Bernadette of Lourdes (a city in France) recounted the apparition of the Virgin Mary and what she heard from her. According to Bernadette, “the Lady lifted up her eyes to heaven, joined her hands as though in prayer, that were held out and open towards the ground and said to me: ‘Que soy era Immaculada Concepciou.’ (I am the Immaculate Conception). The young visionary left and, running all the way, repeated continuously the words that she did not understand. These words troubled the brave Parish Priest. Bernadette was ignorant of the fact that the theological expression (Immaculate Conception) was assigned to the Blessed Virgin four years earlier, in 1854, when Pope Pius IX declared this a truth of the Catholic Faith (a dogma).

It was Mary’s closeness to Christ that made her receive “God’s fullness of grace” to be sinless. Without God’s grace, it would have been impossible for Mary to be sinless. The Holy Spirit even declared her blessedness from the lips of Elizabeth during the visitation scene “Blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1:42).  The conclusion is inescapable, how can someone who is blessed among all women and chosen by God to bring forth His Son (holy of holies) be in contact with the stain of sin? Indeed, a bad tree cannot produce good fruits, it is only a good tree that produces good fruits – according to Christ himself (cf. Matthew 7:17-18; Luke 6:43)

Above all, by invoking Mary’s immaculateness in her Litany, may we come to imitate her in our daily efforts to attain holiness and be free from all defilement of body and soul, because ‘nothing defiled shall enter heaven’ (Rev. 21:27)

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Fatima, Vila Sabrina, São Paulo, Brazil /


PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?


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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Kalema Lawrence
Kalema Lawrence
4 years ago

Am by Name called Lawrence Kalema from uganda am very happy to have read this Massege and understood

Josephine Ndidiamaka Okorie
Josephine Ndidiamaka Okorie
4 years ago

Nice one father keep it up

10 months ago

Well explained

Treasure Mary Marie
Treasure Mary Marie
10 months ago

Mother undefiled: Pray for us

Lady Uche Nwosu
Lady Uche Nwosu
10 months ago

God bless you Padre for your good work. May God continue to strengthen you

Miriam Akaakase
Miriam Akaakase
10 months ago

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen

Sule Adanu
Sule Adanu
10 months ago


Chris Onyegbule
Chris Onyegbule
10 months ago

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Titilayo Ogbor
Titilayo Ogbor
10 months ago


10 months ago

Oh Mary conceive with out seen pray for us who have recourse to thy.

Phyllis Nweke
Phyllis Nweke
10 months ago

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. AMEN

Nwosu Christiana
Nwosu Christiana
10 months ago

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Mary Debra Nnenna Nwoke
Mary Debra Nnenna Nwoke
10 months ago

Mary conceived without original sin, pray for me.

Blessing Thompson 147
Blessing Thompson 147
10 months ago


Ezeugwu Eucharia #G6sssa3 Done
Ezeugwu Eucharia #G6sssa3 Done
10 months ago

Mother undefiled, pray for us

Regina Achie Nege
Regina Achie Nege
10 months ago

Mother undefiled, pray for us!
Thanks so much for all you are doing to boost and nurture our faith Father. May God reward you richly.

Justina Akende
Justina Akende
10 months ago


Maureen Ashibuogwu
Maureen Ashibuogwu
10 months ago

Mother undefiled please pray for us

Ngosoo Perpetua Chia
Ngosoo Perpetua Chia
10 months ago

Mother Mary undefiled and conceived without sin pray for us Amen.

Angela Uso
Angela Uso
10 months ago


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