In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Our Mother of Perpetual Help 9 Days NovenaOPENING PRAYER

O Mary, Mother of Perpetual help, I salute thee with the filial devotion. I renew the consecration of myself, and all I have, to thee. I thank thee for thy maternal protection and for the many blessings that I have received through thy wondrous mercy and most powerful intercession. In all my necessities I have recourse to thee with unbounded confidence O Help of Christians, O Mother of Mercy. I beseech thee now to hear my prayer and to obtain for me of thy divine Son the favour that I request in this novena. (Here mention your petition)

Obtain for me, also, dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, the grace that I may imitate thee and become more like to thee in the practice of the virtues of humility, purity, submission to the will of God, and charity. Be my protectress in life, guard and guide me in dangers, direct me in difficulties, lead me in the way of perfection, and assist me in the hour of my death, that I may come to Jesus, and with thee enjoy Him, bless Him, and love Him eternally in Heaven. AMEN.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Medal Gold AljančičDAY 2

Blessed forever be our God Who had made thee, O Mary, so powerful, so compassionate and so ready to help. What would become of us, poor sinners, without thee? With what face, after having so often deserved disgrace and punishment, could we go before our sovereign Judge, and ask of Him, not only pardon, but favors, and share in eternal glory? Blessed be thou too, O clement Queen, for having so often interposed between divine justice and me, thy most unworthy client, for having turned away God’s anger from me, and for having obtained for me so many graces.

HOW SWEET it is to think that by thy peerless beauty, O Holy Virgin, though hast ravished the heart, not of any earthy monarch, but of the King of kings, and the Creator of the universe! Thus wert thou deemed worthy to be the Mother of the Incarnate Word, the dispensatrix of His grace, and the cause of our joy. And now, enthroned at the right hand of thy Son, thou drawest to thee the hearts of all the Saints, and Angels in heaven and of the just on earth. I rejoice to see thee of all creatures the most beloved, since of all others thou art the most worthy of love. But, I beseech thee, O glorious Queen, forget me not, poor exile that I am, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Remember that thou art raised on high to be able the better to see those who suffer here below and that thou art made so powerful to help us the more readily. Thou knowest, O Mary! how I am constantly assailed by enemies from without, and by temptations from within. Be thou my Perpetual Help: watch over me continually, or I shall be lost. And when through frailty I fail actually to call upon thee in danger, receive the intention I now make of doing so. May this be ever the habitual cry of my heart… Mother of Perpetual Help, forget me not. AMEN.

Recite 3 Hail Marys for the favour you seek to obtain.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help: June 27 | saints-feast-familyLITANY OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP

LORD, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
LORD, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
GOD the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
GOD the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
GOD the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one GOD, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of GOD, pray for us.
Holy Virgin, conceived without sin, pray for us.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
We sinners call to thee,

(Response) * O Mary ever help us.

That we may love GOD with our whole hearts. *
That we may be comfortable in all things to thy Divine Son, *
That we may have a tender and; heartfelt devotion to thee,
most holy Virgin. * That we may hate with all our strength sin; the only evil, *
That we may frequently remember our last end, *
That we may often and; worthily receive the Most Holy Sacrament, *
That we may avoid with all our strength proximate occasions of sin, *
That we may not neglect prayer a single day of our lives, *
That we may have recourse to prayer in the hour of temptation, *
That we may generously forgive our enemies, and; wish well to all men, *
That we may not defer our conversion from day to day, *
That we may zealously labor to overcome our bad habits. *
That we may live and; die in the grace of GOD, *
In all concerns of soul and; body,   In sickness and; pain, *
In struggles against the inclinations of corrupt nature. *
In assaults of evil spirits, *
In temptations against the holy virtue of purity, *
In all danger of sinning, *
When we have reached the end of our earthly course. *
When lying on our death-bed, and; the thought of our approaching dissolution shall fill us with fear and; horror. *
When in the hour of final separation from all, evil spirits shall try to drive us to despair. *
When the priest of the Lord shall give us the last absolution and; blessing, *
When our relatives and; friends surround our bed, weeping and; praying for us, *
When our eyes grow dim and; our hearts cease to beat, *
When we breathe forth our spirit into the hands of our Creator, *
When our poor soul appears before our Divine Judge, *
When the terrible judgment is about to be passed, *
When suffering in the flames of purgatory, and; longing for the vision of GOD. *

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us.

V.  Pray for us, O Holy Mother of GOD.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. *


O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, so that, saved through her protection and assistance, we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. AMEN.


Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help - The Catholic Sun

O Mother of Perpetual Help, numerous clients continually surround thy holy picture, all imploring thy mercy. All bless thee as the assured Help of the miserable; all feel the benefit of thy maternal protection. With confidence, then, do I present myself before thee in my misery. See, dear Mother, the many evils to which we are exposed; see how numerous are our wants. Trials and sorrows often press us; reverses of fortune and privations, often grievous, bring misery into our homes; everywhere we meet the cross. Have pity, compassionate Mother, on us and on our families; and especially in this my necessity. (Here mention your petition) – from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother, in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the will of GOD that I should endure them, make me suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual Help.



MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY who, to inspire me with the fullest confidence, hast been willing to take the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I. N. N. . . acknowledge that my sins render me unworthy to be admitted among the number of thy privileged children. Nevertheless, desirous of enjoying thy merciful favor, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly prostrate before thee, I consecrate to thee my understanding, that I may always think of consecrating to thee my heart in order that, after God, I may love thee above all things.

O my Sovereign Lady, deign to receive me among the number of thy favored children, take me under thy protection, help me in all my spiritual and temporal wants, but especially at the hour of my death.

O Mother of Perpetual Help, I know that thou lovest me more than I can love myself, I entrust all my interests to thy care: dispose of me, and all that belongs to me, according to thy good pleasure.

O Mother, bless me, and by thy powerful intercession support my weakness, so that having been faithful in serving thee during this life, I may praise thee during this life, I may praise thee, love thee and thank thee eternally in the next. AMEN.

Our Father, Hail Mary (X10), Glory be…

Concluding Anthem Our Lady of Perpetual Help High Res Stock Images | Shutterstock

Mary, let Perpetual Succour
Be the answer, to our prayer,
For thy Son, of all the wretched
Gives to thee perpetual care.

Ever ready help hast thou,
Let thy children feel it now.

Of our passions we are weary,
Weary of the yoke of sin;
Yet though longing to be holy,
Faint of heart we ne’er begin.

Though we try to rise, yet ever
Down in misery, we fall;
So like feeble children sadly,
For our Mother’s help, we call.

Let us feel thy help in sorrow,
Mourners look for joy to thee:
Spurn not God’s unhappy creatures,
Whatsoe’er their faults may be.

Succour all, both priests and people,
Who to thee their homage pay,
Toiling men and praying women,
Help them on thy festal day.


Through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, may the Lord bless + us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying Day 2! Click here for Day 3 Prayer👏🏼👏🏼


Compiled from various sources by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /
PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?


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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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3 years ago

Amen. Help us O dearest Mother.

Veronica Ofuani
Veronica Ofuani
3 years ago

Thanks so much for making me a member of the family.

3 years ago

Mary has helped us
Mary wants to help us
Mary can help us.
Oh Mother of Perpetual Help…. Pray for us, amen

3 years ago

O my lady,my sweet mother please preserve my family and siblings

onyinye agubueze
onyinye agubueze
3 years ago

Our lady of Perpetual help…Pray for us Amen

3 years ago

Our mother of perpetual help pray for us Amen

Jenny Nwatu
Jenny Nwatu
3 years ago

Our Lady of Perpetual help pray for us

3 years ago

Our sweet Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us. Amen.

Onyekachi Francis
Onyekachi Francis
3 years ago

Mary, let Perpetual Succour
Be the answer, to our prayer,
For thy Son, of all the wretched
Gives to thee perpetual care.

2 years ago

Our Lady of perpetual help.
Pray for us

Michael Umande
Michael Umande
2 years ago

That we may hate with all our strength sin; the only evil, Come to our aid, O Most loving Mother

2 years ago

May Our Lady grant us succour

Ijeoma Stella
Ijeoma Stella
2 years ago

Am so glad to be part of this year prayers. May God bless us all Amen

2 years ago

Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, please intercede for us and take our petitions to your dear son who never says no to you

2 years ago

Amen. Our Lady Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for us

2 years ago


Miriam Akaakase
Miriam Akaakase
2 years ago

Mary wants to help us

Grace Ityosaa
Grace Ityosaa
2 years ago

Ever ready help has thou, and let thy children feel it now. Amen

Rita chahul
Rita chahul
2 years ago

Oh Mother of Perpetual help ,I trust you are helping I and my family, always interceed for us Amen

Uchenna Aham-Anyanwu
Uchenna Aham-Anyanwu
2 years ago

Thank you Jesus for Our help has come.

2 years ago

Mother of perpetual help intercede for us your children to break the yoke of delay in conception in this 2023 amen

Onuigbo Maureen
Onuigbo Maureen
2 years ago

Our mother of perpetual help pray for us

Oghogho Esther Okunbor
Oghogho Esther Okunbor
2 years ago

Mother Mary Help us and set us free from whatever sin that is holding us bound

2 years ago


Vivian Oyih
Vivian Oyih
2 years ago

Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for us, Amen

2 years ago


Roses Utsaha
Roses Utsaha
2 years ago

O Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Ominyi Ada
Ominyi Ada
2 years ago

Oh Mary, help us, Amen.

2 years ago

Thank you Jesus

Mary Tom
Mary Tom
2 years ago

Come to our aid O Loving Mother!

Itohan Umole
Itohan Umole
2 years ago


Lawrence Okonofua
Lawrence Okonofua
2 years ago

When my hands can no longer hold the cross, ever ready mother come to my aid.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, make our families like unto Thine!?

Mary Ziggar Oluremi Lanko
Mary Ziggar Oluremi Lanko
2 years ago

Glory to Jesus, and Honor to Mary.

Priscilla Ugbir
Priscilla Ugbir
2 years ago


Chinwe Ibe
Chinwe Ibe
2 years ago

Oh Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

Ngozi Ben-Anyi
Ngozi Ben-Anyi
2 years ago

Thank you Mother Mary for being our Mother of perpetual help! Amen!!! Lord Jesus please turn my water into wine this year in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!!!

Lilian Uzoamaka Anyanwu
Lilian Uzoamaka Anyanwu
2 years ago

It is good to be prayerful

Chinwe Ann
Chinwe Ann
2 years ago

Mother of Perpetual Help, forget me not. AMEN.

Linda John Ojeyokan
Linda John Ojeyokan
2 years ago

Amen iJn

2 years ago

Help us as we look up to thee ❤️ O Queen mother

2 years ago


Sa'adatu Anne Akough
Sa'adatu Anne Akough
2 years ago

Amen. God is faithful and just He will answer us all amen

Lucy Mary Muokwe
Lucy Mary Muokwe
2 years ago

Our Lady Mother of Perpetual help, pray for me in my intentions and also for those who invoke your aid. O Mary help us

Juliet Chinenye
Juliet Chinenye
2 years ago


2 years ago

O Mary, help us.
You can help us in our need,
Mary with hope we call on you.

2 years ago

Amen & Amen

Chukwudi Raphael
Chukwudi Raphael
2 years ago

Oh Mother of Perpetual help, come to our aid.

2 years ago


Perpetua Ngosoo Chia
Perpetua Ngosoo Chia
2 years ago

Mary Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for your children

Angela Usoh
Angela Usoh
2 years ago


Nworie Glory chinwe
Nworie Glory chinwe
1 year ago
Reply to  Angela Usoh

May the good Lord Grant our petitions

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