In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, but most of all, because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

Therefore I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belongs to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death. Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore: (Mention your request). Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers on my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen.
Consider how Joseph suffered in his lifetime. He tasted, indeed, ineffable consolations, but he also endured much suffering. In contrast with the glories of his family, was a life of labour and self-denial. What did he not have to suffer, especially after the Incarnation of the Son of God? It is verily Joseph who experienced that wherever Jesus enters, He comes with His Cross and His Crown of Thorns.
He suffers in perfect conformity with the Divine Will. Joseph renews his courage in the hope of eternal joys and treasures, in the examples of patience which are given him by Jesus and Mary. Thus, whatever may be his trials they cannot trouble the peace of his soul.
Saint Joseph, I venerate you as the gentle head of the Holy Family. The Holy Family was the scene of your life’s work in its origin, in its guidance, in its protection, in your labour for Jesus and Mary, and even in your death in their arms. You lived, moved, and acted in the loving company of Jesus and Mary. The inspired writer describes your life at Nazareth in only a few words: ‘And (Jesus) went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them.’ (Luke, 2:51). Yet these words tell of your high vocation here on earth and the abundance of graces which filled your soul during those years spent in Nazareth.
Your family life at Nazareth was all radiant with the light of divine charity. There was an intimate union of heart and mind among the members of your Holy Family. There could not have been a closer bond than that uniting you to Jesus, your foster-Son and to Mary, your most loving wife. Jesus chose to fulfil toward you, His foster-father, all the duties of a faithful son, showing you every mark of honour and affection due to a parent. And Mary showed you all the signs of respect and love of a devoted wife. You responded to this love and veneration from Jesus and Mary with feelings of deepest love and respect. You had for Jesus a true fatherly love, enkindled and kept aglow in your heart by the Holy Spirit. And you could not cease to admire the workings of grace in Mary’s soul, and this admiration caused the holy love which you had consecrated to her on the day of your wedding grow stronger every day.
God has made you a heavenly patron of family life because you sanctified yourself as head of the Holy Family and thus by your beautiful example sanctified family life. How peacefully and happily the Holy Family rested under the care of your fatherly rule, even in the midst of trials. You were the protector, counsellor, and consolation of the Holy Family in every need. And just as you were the model of piety, so you gave us by your zeal, your earnestness and devout trust in God’s providence, and especially by your love, the example of labour according to the Will of God. You cherished all the experiences common to family life and the sacred memories of the life, sufferings, and joys in the company of Jesus and Mary. Therefore the family is dear to you as the work of God, and it is of the highest importance in your eyes to promote the honour of God and the well-being of man. In your loving fatherliness and unfailing intercession, you are the patron and intercessor of families, and you deserve a place in every home.
Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of living in the Holy Family and being its head. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain God’s blessing upon my own family. Make our home the kingdom of Jesus and Mary — a kingdom of peace, joy, and love.
I also pray for all Christian families. Your help is needed in our day when God’s enemy has directed his attack against the family in order to desecrate and destroy it. In the face of these evils, as patron of families, be pleased to help; and as of old, you arose to save the Child and His Mother, so today arise to protect the sanctity of the home. Make our homes sanctuaries of prayer, of love, of patient sacrifice, and of work. May they be modelled after your own at Nazareth. Remain with us with Jesus and Mary, so that by your help we may obey the commandments of God and of the Church; receive the holy sacraments of God and of the Church; live a life of prayer, and foster religious instruction in our homes. Grant that we may be reunited in God’s Kingdom and eternally live in the company of the Holy Family in heaven. As I lay my intentions before you today (Mention your request), grant me the grace to be ever grateful to God for favours received. Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers on my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen.
Saint Joseph answers Prayers! If Saint Joseph does not grant graces, he would not be Saint Joseph!!
Lord, have mercy. | Lord, have mercy. |
Christ, have mercy. | Christ, have mercy. |
Lord, have mercy. | Lord, have mercy. |
Christ, hear us. | Christ, hear us. |
Christ, graciously hear us. | Christ, graciously hear us. |
God the Father in heaven, | have mercy on us. |
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, | have mercy on us. |
God the Holy Spirit, | have mercy on us. |
Holy Trinity, one God, | have mercy on us. |
Holy Mary, | pray for us. |
Saint Joseph, | pray for us. |
Illustrious son of David, | pray for us. |
Light of Patriarchs, | pray for us. |
Spouse of the Mother of God, | pray for us. |
Guardian of the Redeemer, | pray for us. |
Pure Guardian of the Virgin, | pray for us. |
Provider for the Son of God, | pray for us. |
Zealous defender of Christ, | pray for us. |
Servant of Christ, | pray for us. |
Minister of salvation, | pray for us. |
Head of the Holy Family, | pray for us. |
Joseph, most just, | pray for us. |
Joseph, most chaste, | pray for us. |
Joseph, most prudent, | pray for us. |
Joseph, most brave, | pray for us. |
Joseph, most obedient, | pray for us. |
Joseph, most loyal, | pray for us. |
Mirror of patience, | pray for us. |
Lover of poverty, | pray for us. |
Model for workers, | pray for us. |
Glory of family life, | pray for us. |
Guardian of virgins, | pray for us. |
Cornerstone of families, | pray for us. |
Support in difficulties, | pray for us. |
Comfort of the sorrowing, | pray for us. |
Hope of the sick, | pray for us. |
Patron of exiles, | pray for us. |
Patron of the afflicted, | pray for us. |
Patron of the poor, | pray for us. |
Patron of the dying, | pray for us. |
Terror of demons, | pray for us. |
Protector of the Holy Church, | pray for us. |
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Jesus.
God made him the lord of his household, and prince over all his possessions.
Let us pray. God, in your infinite wisdom and love you chose Joseph to be the husband of Mary, the mother of your Son. May we have the help of his prayers in heaven and enjoy his protection on earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Through the intercession of Saint Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, may the Lord bless + us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying Day 6! Click here for Day 7 Prayer👏🏼👏🏼
Compiled by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora da Immaculada Conceição, Paulo Ramos, Maranhão, Brazil /
PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?
St Joseph patience during his life time as the foster Father of Jesus and Husband of Mary cannot be overemphasized. I pray that as Christians we learn a little bit of this Patience in our journey in life as well.
St. Joseph Morror of Patience, Pray for us
St. Joseph, model of patience. Help me not to run ahead of God but to follow His lead in this life’s dance of grace. Amen
Indeed Saint Joseph answers prayers
If Saint Joseph Does Not Grant Graces, He Would Not Be Called Saint Joseph.
Thank You Padre And Your Crews For This Platforms, God Bless You All
whatever may be his trials they cannot trouble the peace of his soul.
St. Joseph ,pray for us now and always
St. Joseph please intercede for Chiamaka that she will be healed. Amen
St. Joseph, my Spiritual father I entrust to your paternal intercession everything about me.
St. Joesph obatin God’s blessing upon our family. Make our home the kingdom of Jesus and Mary, a kingdom of peace, Joy & love. Amen
St Joseph Guardian of the Holy Family pray for my family Amen
St. Joseph, powerful intercessor pray for me and my intentions.
St Joseph mirror of patience pray for us, Amen
Saint Joseph pray for us
St Joseph, Patron of the afflicted. Pray for us
Holy St Joseph… My Patron Saint, please intercede for me and my hubby for God’s financial blessings and Favours Amen!
Saint Joseph, Powerful Intercessor, please pray for me, my family and all my intentions…Amen
St Joseph, terror of demons, protect the chosen children of Jesus Christ
St Joseph pray for us
Saint Joseph, pray for us. Amen
St Joseph guardian and protector of the Holy Family pray for our families . Amen
St Joseph, Foster Father of Baby Jesus,y own Foster Father, despise not my petitions but deliver them to God our Almighty Father through Jesus Christ our Lord,amen
St. Joseph chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pray for us Amen
Oh most pure spouse of Mary, Saint Joseph, our loving protector, pray for us
St Joseph model of Patience, give us the grace to emulate your patience, as the spouse of the Virgin Mary and Foster Father of Jesus Christ, during the time of difficulties in our lives. Amen. St Joseph pray for us. Amen
St Joseph, model of Patience, intercede for us . Amen
O Lord have mercy and hear our prayers Amen
Saint Joseph, Powerful Intercessor, please pray for me, my husband and my children and all my intentions. Amen
St Joseph, pray for us
Saint Joseph, Powerful Intercessor, please pray for me and my intentions
God, in your infinite wisdom and love you chose Joseph to be the husband of Mary, the mother of your Son. May we have the help of his prayers in heaven and enjoy his protection on earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Joseph Mirror of Patience, pray for us.
Thank you so much St Joseph patron of the workers
Thank you for Everything
Give.y daughters grace
O Joseph, model of patience, † teach me this virtue; which is so necessary † in the midst of sufferings and trials of this sorrowful life. Grant that your example and that of Mary, † as well as the hope of celestial joys, † may ever renew my courage. Amen.
Saint Joseph, Powerful Intercessor, please pray for me and all my intentions obtain God’s blessing upon my own family. Make our home the kingdom of Jesus and Mary — a kingdom of peace, joy, and love. Amen
St Joseph pray for us
Glory of family life,, pray for us
St Joseph model of all virtues, make my family like unto yours, Amen
Saint Joseph pray for us. Amen
Saint Joseph powerful intercessor pray for me and my family amen.
Thabk You Lord for EVERYTHING
Glory to Jesus!
Honour to Mary and Joseph!