In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
(For the conversion and sanctification of ourselves and our loved ones)
Lord our God, ever merciful to all who hope in you, you adorned your servant Monica with the priceless gift of reconciling her husband and children to you; you listened to her fervent and continuous prayers calling Saint Augustine from the ways of error to serve you in holiness, making of him a sign in the world of the power of the grace of Christ and of the intercession of the saints on our behalf; renew, O Lord, in your Church and in our hearts the spirit you gave to Saint Augustine and Saint Monica; grant that in our thirst for true wisdom we and our loved ones may never cease to search for you, and may our hearts rest united in you, the living fountain of unending love. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
About the “Confessions” of St. Augustine
The “Confessions” (Latin: Confessiones) is an autobiographical work by Saint Augustine of Hippo, consisting of 13 books written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine’s sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. The Confessions is always called a story of conversion. Augustine actually undergoes several conversions: to Manichaeism; to the pursuit of truth, with Cicero’s Hortensius; to an intellectual acceptance of Christian doctrine; and finally to an emotional acceptance of Christian faith.
Augustine probably began work on the Confessions around the year 397, when he was 43 years old. Augustine’s precise motivation for writing his life story at that point is not clear, but there are at least some possible causes. First, his contemporaries were suspicious of him because of his Classical, pagan-influenced education; his brilliant public career as a rhetor; and his status as an ex-Manichee. In the midst of Augustine’s prominent role in the Donatist controversies, he was suspected both by his Donatist enemies and by wary Catholic allies. One purpose of the Confessions, then, was to defend himself against this kind of criticism, by explaining how he had arrived at his Christian faith and demonstrating that his beliefs were truly Christian.
The word “confession” has several senses, all of which operate throughout the work. Confession can mean admitting one’s sins, which Augustine does with gusto, confessing not only his ambition and his lust but also his intellectual pride, his misplaced faith in Manichaeism, and his misunderstanding of Christianity. Confession also means a statement of belief, and this aspect is reflected in Augustine’s detailed account of how he arrived at his Christian beliefs and his knowledge of God. Finally, confession means a statement of praise, and in the Confessions, Augustine constantly gives praise to the God who mercifully directed his path and brought him out of misery and error. In essence, the Confessions is one long prayer.
Structurally, the Confessions falls into three segments: Books 1 through 9 recount Augustine’s life and his spiritual journey. Book 10 is a discussion of the nature of memory and an examination of the temptations Augustine was still facing. Books 11 through 13 are an extended exegesis of the first chapter of Genesis.
Let us take a peep into a famous page in the “Confessions”
O eternal truth, true love, and beloved eternity
Urged to reflect upon myself, I entered under your guidance into the inmost depth of my soul. I was able to do so because you were my helper. On entering into myself I saw, as it were with the eye of the soul, what was beyond the eye of the soul, beyond my spirit: your immutable light. It was not the ordinary light perceptible to all flesh, nor was it merely something of greater magnitude but still essentially akin, shining more clearly and diffusing itself everywhere by its intensity. No, it was something entirely distinct, something altogether different from all these things; and it did not rest above my mind as oil on the surface of water, nor was it above me as heaven is above the earth. This light was above me because it had made me; I was below it because I was created by it. He who has come to know the truth knows this light.
O Eternal truth, true love and beloved eternity. You are my God. To you do I sigh day and night. When I first came to know you, you drew me to yourself so that I might see that there were things for me to see, but that I myself was not yet ready to see them. Meanwhile, you overcame the weakness of my vision, sending forth most strongly the beams of your light, and I trembled at once with love and dread. I learned that I was in a region unlike yours and far distant from you, and I thought I heard your voice from on high: “I am the food of grown men; grow then, and you will feed on me. Nor will you change me into yourself like bodily food, but you will be changed into me.”
I sought a way to gain the strength which I needed to enjoy you. But I did not find it until I embraced the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who is above all, God be blessed forever. He was calling me and saying: I am the way of truth, I am the life. He was offering the food which I lacked the strength to take, the food he had mingled with our flesh. For the Word became flesh, that your wisdom, by which you created all things, might provide milk for us children.
Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness, I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would not have been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace. (To be continued…)
Silent Prayer and Reflection…
Dear Saint Monica, troubled wife and mother, you endured many sorrows, difficulties, and humiliations. However, you never despaired or lost faith. Grant me that same fortitude, patience, and trust in the Lord.
Today, we pray for those whose conversion is delayed. May they come to see God working in their lives, restore their faith in Him, and come home to His church.
Dear St Monica, troubled wife, and mother, many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime. Yet you never despaired or lost faith. With confidence, persistence, and profound faith, you prayed daily for the conversion of your beloved husband, Patricius, and your beloved son, Augustine. Grant me that same fortitude, patience, and trust in the Lord. Intercede for me, dear St. Monica, that God may favorably hear my plea for (mention your petition here).
And grant me the grace to accept his will in all things, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.
O holy Saint Augustine, who has famously declared that “Our hearts were made for you, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.”, aid me in my own search for our Lord that through your intercession I may be granted the wisdom to determine the purpose God has planned for me. Pray that I be blessed with the courage to follow God’s will even at times when I do not understand. Ask our Lord to lead me to a life worthy of His love, that I may one day share the riches of His kingdom. Petition our Lord and Savior to ease the burden of my problems and grant my special intention, and I will honor you all of my days.
Beloved Saint Augustine the miracles you have performed for the greater glory of God have caused people to seek your intercession for their most pressing concerns. Hear my cries as I invoke your name to petition God for an increased faith and to aid me in my present distress. (State the nature of your problem or the special favour you seek)
Glorious Saint Augustine I boldly ask for your intercession confident in your boundless wisdom and compassion. May this devotion lead me to a life dedicated to fulfilling the will of God that I may one day be deemed worthy of sharing His Kingdom with you and all the saints for all eternity.
- Lord, you gave Saint Monica the strength to overcome the difficulties of her marriage, help all spouses who experience trouble in their marriage to be a consolation to one another.
- Lord, you comforted Saint Monica in her prayer for the conversion of her son, help us not to despair in times of trial, and to place all our hope in you.
- Lord, you granted Saint Monica the grace of bringing her husband and her son to you, may all wives and mothers be instruments of your love in their families, so that they know how to lead their husbands and children to you.
- Lord, through a true conversion of heart you led Saint Augustine out of the depths of sin to your love, come to our heart, so that we will forget our sins and we will be embraced by you, our one and only good.
- Lord, you inflamed the hearts of Saint Monica and her son Saint Augustine so that they would aspire to heavenly things, may we also long for the supreme source of life.
Full of confidence we pray to our heavenly Father in the words Christ taught us. Our Father… Hail Mary (X3)… Glory be…
Blessed Saint Monica, please add your prayers to all those mothers who are concerned and worried about their children, especially those who have turned away from Christ and His Church. Take them under your protection and give them the courage to walk in the ways of the Lord despite the temptation and false values they find in today’s world. Please also, take my personal request to God for my loved ones with the same fervour and persistence with which you prayed for your own son. Amen. Blessed Saint Augustine, we entrust to your powerful intercession our hearts and those of our loved ones, so that we will all be faithful to the Love and Grace of God who invites us to conversion, to live and rest in Him, to live in the communion of love with all our brothers and sisters and to spread his love to all our neighbours. Amen.
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me to true conversion.
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me to true conversion.
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me to true conversion.
O Saint Monica, who through prayer and tears achieved the conversion of your son and your husband to God, look into my bitter heart. I pray now for this person who causes so much trouble and suffering to my heart and to my whole family… (Name the person you pray for)
Saint Monica, may your prayers join mine to move the Good God, so that He, the living and true God may make this person for whom I pray for, return to the right path. Santa Monica, let the Father in Heaven call this prodigal son back to his father’s home. Give me this joy and I will be forever grateful.
O God, comforter of the afflicted, health to those who wait on You, who mercifully accepted the pious tears of the blessed mother Monica for the conversion of her son Augustine and her husband Patricius, grant us through Your Intercession, that we may weep for our sins and find indulgence of Your grace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Augustine, pray for us!
Santa Monica, intercede for us!
Through the intercession of Saints Monica and Augustine, may the Lord bless + us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Great job praying Day 8! Click here for Day 9 Prayers

Compiled from various sources by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /
PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?
You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace.
O lord help me..May l never depart from your presence
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me to true conversion. Amen
St Monica and St Augustin pray for us Amen
O pray for my most ardent intention.
St. Augustine and St. Monica.
You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace… My Lord and my God, I surrender my life to you, do with me whatever you will. Amen.
This light was above me because it had made me; I was below it because I was created by it. He who has come to know the truth knows this light.
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me to true conversion.
Blessed Saint Augustine, we entrust to your powerful intercession our hearts and those of our loved ones, so that we will all be faithful to the Love and Grace of God who invites us to conversion, to live and rest in Him, to live in the communion of love with all our brothers and sisters and to spread his love to all our neighbours. Amen
Saint Monica and saint Augustine lead me to true conversion
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me to true conversion. Amen
St. Monica and St. Augustine lead us to true conversation. Amen
St. Augustine, to your paternal intercession I entrust Aimanehy, Amos Okojie, Amierelukhefe and family, Obioisẹoye and family, Osi and Bimbo, Eghe and Judith and all whom it has pleased God to put on our Salfivic journey of life.
St. Monica and St Augustine lead us to true conversion!??
St Monica and St Augustine, lead me to true conversion. Amen
May God hear and answer all our prayers in the might name of Jesus amen.
May all wives and mothers who are instrument of your love show such love to their families.
Saint Monica and St Augustine pray for us. Amen
Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, lead me, my husband and my children to true conversion. Amen
St Augustine pray for us. St Monica intercede for us . Amen
May God answer my petition
St Monica and st Augustine intercede and pray for us Amen
St, Monica and St, Augustine Lead us to through conversation. AMEN.
St Monica and St Augustine, intercede for our youth who are into taking of hard drugs and alcohol, which now has psychotic effect in their lives. Praying for Divine Healing, True Conversion and Divine Encounter with God
O Lord hear my prayers amen
Saints Monica and Augustine pray for us
St Augustine, please pray for the return of my wayward grandson Olamide.
Thank you Saints Monica and Augustine.
SS. Monica and Augustine are true models of perseverance
St. Monica I pray that your virtues be the search of all Mothers; Amen.
Lord, you comforted Saint Monica in her prayer for the conversion of her son, help us not to despair in times of trial, and to place all our hope in you.
St Monica and St Augustine, pray for those whose conversion is delayed, May they come to see God working in their lives, restore their faith in Him, and home, to His Church. Amen.
Saints Monica and Augustine, pray for us
Through the intercession of Saint Monica and St Augustine may my entire family and I be led true conversion, Amen
Saints Monica and Augustine, Pray for us Amen.
Saint Monica, may your prayers join mine to move the Good God, so that He, the living and true God may make this person for whom I pray for, return to the right path. Santa Monica, let the Father in Heaven call this prodigal son back to his father’s home. Give me this joy and I will be forever grateful. Amen.
Amen . Thank you Jesus.
St. Augustine snd Saint Monica lead us to true conversion
Sts. Augustine and Monica, pray for us
Thank you o Lord for this prayer opportunity given to us, may your name be highly exalted in Jesus name, Amen.
St Monica intercede for us
That paragraph that says “o eternal truth” read it silently and meditate.
Lord have mercy on us & answer our prayers through the intercession of St Monica and St Augustine
Lord hear and grant our petitions… Amen
Nothing is impossible with God and may St. Monica and her son St. Augustine continuously intercede for us and obtain our petitions.
May this novena bring forth light in my paths AMEN
St Augustin and St Monica, pray for us, amen
Thank you Jesus for what you did in the life of St Augustine. St Monica please join all mothers in their prayers for their husbands and children. Anen