First Reading: Genesis 18:1-15
Responsorial Psalm: Luke 1:46-50,53-55
Gospel Reading: Matthew 8:5-17 

In a society often overshadowed by brokenness and despair, we long for a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light to guide us through the labyrinth of our existence. It is in this yearning that we discover the transformative nature of God’s presence and love. It is an encounter that defies logic and surpasses human understanding, for when we draw near to the Divine, the very fabric of our being is woven anew. Throughout the pages of sacred Scripture, we encounter stories of ordinary men and women whose lives were forever altered by the touch of God’s love. Abraham, called to leave his homeland and become the father of nations. Moses, standing before the burning bush, commissioned to lead God’s people out of bondage. The Blessed Virgin Mary, a humble handmaid, chosen to bear the Son of God. The transformative power of God’s presence and love unfolded in their lives, setting them on extraordinary paths of purpose and destiny. Just as the morning sun pierces the darkness, banishing the shadows of night, so too does God’s presence illuminate the depths of our souls. It is in His presence that we are confronted with the reality of who we are and who we are called to be. Our fears and insecurities are laid bare, and yet, in the embrace of His love, we find solace and courage to confront our innermost struggles. Therefore, in today’s liturgical readings, we are called to explore the profound truth that encountering the living God has the capacity to reshape our lives in ways we could never fathom. It is a truth that stirs the very core of our being, reminding us that we are not mere spectators in the grand theater of life, but active participants in a divine symphony of love and redemption.

Imagine, if you will, a world where the presence of God touches every aspect of our lives—a world where His love permeates our thoughts, words, and actions. In the First Reading from Genesis (18:1-15), we see Abraham, a man chosen by God to be the father of many nations giving a humble gesture of hospitality to “strangers”. In an act of extraordinary hospitality, he welcomes them with open arms, offering them a place of rest, nourishment, and care. Little did Abraham know that this act of hospitality would lead to a transformative encounter. God Himself reveals to Abraham the promise of a son, a child of his own flesh and blood, despite the advanced age of both Abraham and Sarah. The transformative power of God’s presence and love is evident in this encounter, as it shatters the limitations of human understanding and brings about the fulfillment of God’s promise.

The Responsorial Psalm (Luke 1:46-50,53-55), known as the Magnificat, echoes the transformative nature of God’s presence and love. It is a song of praise sung by the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this beautiful hymn, Mary proclaims the greatness of God, acknowledging His mercy, strength, and faithfulness. She magnifies the Lord for His loving care of the lowly and His promise of salvation for all generations. Mary’s humble surrender to God’s plan became the catalyst for the most extraordinary event in human history—the Incarnation of God’s Son. Through her fiat, her “yes” to God’s will, Mary became a vessel of God’s love and brought forth the transformative power of His presence into the world.

Turning our gaze to the Gospel Reading from Matthew (8:5-17), we witness the transformative power of God’s love through the healing ministry of Jesus. A Roman centurion, a man of authority and power, approaches Jesus with a request to heal his servant. Recognizing Jesus’ authority and power, the centurion displays profound faith, saying, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus marvels at the centurion’s faith and commends him for his trust. At that very moment, the servant is healed. Jesus goes on to heal many others who are sick and oppressed, demonstrating the transformative nature of His presence and love. The touch of His hand brings about restoration, liberation, and healing.

When we weave together the threads of hospitality, humble surrender, and faith from these readings, a beautiful tapestry emerges—a tapestry that reveals the transformative nature of God’s presence and love in our lives. Through acts of hospitality, we create space for God’s presence to enter and bless us. Through humble surrender, we become vessels through which His transformative work is accomplished. And through faith, we open ourselves to the touch of His healing hand and the power of His love. As we reflect on these readings, may we be inspired to embrace acts of hospitality, extending kindness and welcome to those around us. May we humbly surrender ourselves to God’s will, allowing His love to guide our lives and shape our hearts. And may we nurture a deep and unwavering faith, placing our trust in God’s authority and surrendering our doubts and fears. In doing so, we invite the transformative power of God’s presence and love to flow through us, bringing healing, restoration, and profound transformation to our lives and the lives of others.

Dear friends in Christ, as we reflect on these readings, let us ask ourselves: Are we open to the transformative power of God’s love? Do we trust in His authority and surrender our lives to His will? Are we willing to be vessels of His love, bringing healing and transformation to those around us? May we strive to be like Abraham, extending hospitality to others and creating space for God’s presence to enter our lives. May we emulate Mary’s humble surrender, allowing God’s love to shape our thoughts, words, and actions. And may we have faith like the centurion, trusting in Jesus’ authority and experiencing the transformative power of His healing touch. Let us pray for the grace to be open to God’s transformative love and to embrace His presence in our lives. May His love transform us, heal us, and empower us to be instruments of His peace in our families, communities, and the world at large. May the transformative nature of God’s presence and love be ever-present in our lives, bringing hope, joy, and lasting change. Amen.


© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Stella Ogbakpah
Stella Ogbakpah
1 year ago

May the transformative nature of God ‘s presence and love be ever present in our lives, bringing hope, joy and lasting change, Amen.

Emeka Odugu
Emeka Odugu
1 year ago

May the transformative nature of God’s presence and love be ever-present in our lives, bringing hope, joy, and lasting change.

Nwabude Nwamaka
Nwabude Nwamaka
1 year ago


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