First Reading: Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 104(105):1-6,8-9
Second reading: Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19
Gospel Reading: Luke 2:22–40

The observance of the Feast of the Holy Family Feast on the Sunday following Christmas Day is a deliberate liturgical selection in the Church. This specific timing offers an occasion to contemplate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph shortly after the commemoration of Christ’s birth. Through this, the Church aims to underscore the significance of the family unit, presenting the Holy Family as an exemplary model for all families. It invites reflection upon the life of the newly born Child, our Lord Jesus Christ, within the context of a loving family, drawing attention to the virtues of obedience, humility, and love exemplified in the Holy Family.

The readings for today’s Feast provide insightful perspectives on family life and faith. The First reading from the book of Genesis (cf. Gen. 15:1-6, 21:1-3) recounts the narrative of Abraham and Sarah, accentuating God’s steadfast commitment to His promises. The fulfillment of the divine promise to grant numerous descendants to Abraham, with the birth of Isaac, reflects the trustworthiness and timeliness of God’s plan. This narrative prompts contemplation on the essence of prayer, the patience required in awaiting the realization of God’s promises, and the understanding that God’s timing is perfect.

And when we turn our gaze upon the Gospel from St. Luke (cf. Lk. 2:22–40), we encounter Joseph, the head of the Holy Family, demonstrating faithful adherence to God’s law by presenting Mary and the infant Jesus in the Temple. Joseph’s obedience serves as a model for all, emphasizing the significance of following God’s commandments and traditions within our families. It demonstrates the importance of performing our religious duties as parents and godparents, bringing up our children in the Catholic faith to know God, love him, and serve him in this present life to be happy with him forever hereafter. This Gospel passage highlights the importance of reverence for God’s law in family life, fostering an environment of faith and devotion.

Considering the Epistle to the Hebrews (cf. Heb. 11:8, 11-12, 17-19), that is, the Second Reading, we are presented with the enduring faith of Abraham, recognized as our “father in faith.” Abraham’s journey to the land of Canaan, his willingness to relinquish his comfort zone, and his trust in God’s promises become enduring examples for us. His commitment to God’s plan, even in the face of challenges, provides a valuable lesson about the perseverance required in our journeys of faith within our families.

Beloved friends in Christ, the challenges faced by significant families in Scripture continue to resound in our days, reminding us that difficulties and hardships are integral to life. The perseverance, faith, and trust in divine providence exhibited by the Holy Family justified them in God’s eyes. Lessons on faith, patience, reliability, and the timing of God’s promises should be lived out in our families. In the divine plan, the family is recognized as a sacred union between a man and a woman in holy matrimony, bringing forth the fruits of their love—children. This sacred design faces challenges from contemporary theories that seek to redefine the family as a union of two men or two women or other variations, deviating from God’s intended purpose.

In today’s society, families encounter numerous challenges, and the prevailing cultural narrative often diverges from the divine plan. Reflecting on the Holy Family invites us to confront these challenges with the virtues of faith, patience, and reliance on God’s promises. Unfortunately, the complexities of parenting in the modern world stand in stark contrast to the Holy Family, who raised the Child Jesus in wisdom and grace, finding favour with God. May the Holy Family assist today’s family, especially in the area of parenting, which is apparently very demanding in our age of science, technological advancements, social media, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

As we reflect on the mysteries of the Holy Family, let us carry with us the lessons of trust, perseverance, and steadfast commitment to God’s plan. May our families serve as sources of faith in a world that often seeks to diminish the understanding of parenting and family life. May we continue to stand firm in our adherence to the teachings of the Church, drawing inspiration from the Holy Family as we sail through the challenges of family life in today’s world. May our families be filled with God’s graces, and may He guide us in imitating and inculcating the values and virtues of the Holy Family in our daily lives. Amen.

© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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OnaburekhalSen Faith.
OnaburekhalSen Faith.
11 months ago

Through the taxation St Joseph the garden of the holy family and may the
good Lord bless our family and make our family a good example

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