First Reading: Genesis 41:55-57,42:5-7,17-24
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 32(33):2-3,10-11,18-19
Gospel Reading: Matthew 10:1-7

In the depths of our human experience, there are moments when we find ourselves yearning for purpose, seeking answers to life’s mysteries, and searching for the guiding light that will lead us through the darkest of times. We yearn to be seen, heard and understood. We yearn for a love that fills our emptiness and a wisdom that guides our steps, like the deer that yearns for running streams. Today, in the midst of our yearning and searching hearts, the liturgical readings call us to awaken to a profound and transformative truth: that God, in His infinite mercy, is ready to meet us where we are, to embrace us in our brokenness, and to empower us to become agents of His love in the world. Thus, through the liturgical readings of the day, we are invited to embark on a journey of encounter, reconciliation, and mission.

In the first reading from Genesis (41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24), we witness the reunion of Joseph and his brothers after years of separation and betrayal. Joseph, once sold into slavery by his siblings, now holds a position of authority and influence. The emotional reunion between Joseph and his brothers reveals a profound truth: God can transform the most painful and fragmented relationships into opportunities for healing, forgiveness, and restoration. As we meditate on the psalm (32:2-3, 10-11, 18-19), our souls are uplifted by a hymn of praise to the Lord, the Creator and Sustainer of all. We are reminded of His fidelity, His wisdom, and His unfailing love. This beautiful psalm reminds us that God’s word is trustworthy and His actions are just and true. The Lord looks down upon the earth, surveying all of humanity, and His eyes are filled with unfailing love and compassion. As we contemplate these words, we are reminded that we are not alone in our struggles. God is present, watching over us, guiding us with His wisdom, and surrounding us with His love.

In the Gospel reading from Matthew (10:1-7), we witness Jesus calling His twelve disciples and sending them forth on a mission. He empowers them with authority over unclean spirits and grants them the power to heal the sick. Jesus instructs them to proclaim the good news, saying, “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This pivotal moment marks the beginning of their mission to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. Jesus empowers His disciples to go forth, carrying His message of love, mercy, and salvation to the ends of the earth. They are entrusted with the divine authority to bring about transformation and to invite all into the Kingdom of God. This passage serves as a powerful reminder that each one of us, as followers of Christ, is called to be His instrument of love and healing in the world. We are called to share the good news of salvation, to bring hope to the hopeless, and to offer compassion and mercy to those in need.

As we reflect on these readings, we are invited to recognize our own call to discipleship. We are not merely passive spectators, but active participants in God’s plan for salvation. Just as Joseph emerged from the depths of despair to become an instrument of divine reconciliation, and just as the apostles went forth in the power of Christ to bring healing and restoration, we too are called to embrace our role as ambassadors of God’s love in the world. In our encounters with God, we are invited to surrender our brokenness and allow His love to heal our wounds. We are called to trust in His providence, knowing that He is the source of all order and wisdom. Let us recognize that our encounters with God and with one another have the power to transform lives, heal broken relationships, and bring hope to the world. May we open our hearts to the divine encounter, allowing God’s love to fill us, and then extend that love to others. May we be agents of reconciliation, bearers of the good news, and instruments of God’s mercy in a world yearning for connection and meaning.

As we journey forth, let us remember the words of Jesus: “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” It is not a distant reality but a present invitation to participate in God’s redemptive work. Through encounter, reconciliation, and mission, we can bring the transformative power of God’s love to those who are lost, broken, and searching. Let us, therefore, go forth with courage and conviction, knowing that we are not alone, for God walks beside us every step of the way.


© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Mary Ziggar Oluremi Lanko
Mary Ziggar Oluremi Lanko
1 year ago

God help me to heal, from the betrayal and disappointment from love ones and friends.
Put in my heart your Divine love of reconcilation and forgiveness.
These and many more I ask in Jesus Christ Mighty Name

Emeka Odugu
Emeka Odugu
1 year ago

Lord Jesus, make me an agent of reconciliation, bearer of the good news, and instrument of your mercy in a world yearning for connection and meaning.


Phyllis Joseph Nweke
Phyllis Joseph Nweke
1 year ago

Thank you Lord

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