First Reading:Ecclesiasticus 5:1-10
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 1:1-4,6
Gospel:Mark 9:41-50
People often take comfort in the idea that no matter what they do, God will always forgive them. It’s a mindset that justifies procrastinating repentance, indulging in sin, and assuming that divine mercy comes without conditions. The phrase “God will forgive me no matter what” is repeated as if it were a loophole in God’s justice, a way to live recklessly while keeping heaven as an escape plan. This attitude is visible in many aspects of life. How often do people take advantage of someone’s kindness, assuming they will always be forgiven? How many relationships are broken because one person keeps hurting the other, thinking an apology is enough without real change? Mercy is meant to restore, but when abused, it becomes an excuse for complacency and entitlement.
The First Reading from Sirach (5:1-8) confronts this dangerous presumption. It begins with a warning: “Do not set your heart on your wealth, nor say, ‘I have enough.’ Do not rely on your strength to follow your desires.” Sirach exposes the arrogance of those who feel secure in their sin because they assume there will always be time to change. The Hebrew root concept at play here is “חֶסֶד” (ḥesed), meaning “mercy” or “steadfast love.” However, in Jewish thought, ḥesed is always tied to covenantal faithfulness; it is not a blank check for sin, but a relationship that requires response. Sirach makes it clear: “Do not say, ‘I have sinned, yet what has happened to me?’ for the Lord is slow to anger.” This verse addresses the false security of those who sin without consequence and assume that God’s patience means He does not care. But the passage goes further: “Do not delay your conversion to the Lord, do not put it off from day to day, for suddenly His wrath will blaze out.” The same God who shows ḥesed is also a God of “דִּין” (din), meaning justice and judgment. Mercy is real, but it is not separate from accountability.
This tension between mercy and judgment carries into the Responsorial Psalm (Ps. 1:1-4, 6), which contrasts the fate of the righteous and the wicked. The psalmist declares: “Happy the one who follows not the counsel of the wicked… but delights in the law of the Lord.” It is easy to think that because God is merciful, He overlooks sin, but this psalm makes a distinction. The one who truly loves God follows His law, not out of fear, but out of love and reverence. The wicked, however, are “like chaff blown by the wind.” They may seem secure for a time, but ultimately, their path leads to ruin. The Hebrew word “רָשָׁע” (rasha’), meaning “wicked” or “guilty,” is used throughout the Old Testament to describe those who presume upon God’s mercy without real obedience. This is a direct warning against those who say, “God will forgive me no matter what,” while continuing to live in ways that offend Him.
Jesus confronts this false sense of security in the Gospel (Mark 9:41-50) with some of His strongest language about sin and its consequences. He declares: “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off… It is better to enter life maimed than with two hands and be thrown into Gehenna.” To modern ears, this may sound extreme, but Jesus is using powerful imagery to drive home a truth—sin is deadly, and mercy is not an excuse to remain in it. The Greek word “ἄφεσις” (aphesis), meaning “forgiveness” or “release,” is used in the New Testament to describe God’s mercy. However, aphesis in biblical Greek does not just mean forgiveness in a legal sense, it implies a total liberation from sin’s power. True forgiveness is not just God ignoring sin but freeing the sinner from its grip.
The problem is that many do not want to be freed from sin; they only want to be excused for it. This is why Jesus warns against causing scandal and insists on radical measures to avoid sin. His reference to Gehenna, the place of punishment, is a direct response to those who assume that mercy is automatic. The people of Jesus’ time understood Gehenna as the valley outside Jerusalem where trash and corpses were burned – a powerful symbol of spiritual destruction. Jesus does not contradict God’s mercy but emphasizes that a refusal to repent leads to consequences. His call to “cut off” whatever leads to sin is not about self-harm but about serious repentance. It means removing anything: relationships, habits, desires, etc., that keeps someone trapped in sin. The Gospel message is not about a God who refuses to forgive, but about a God who refuses to let people deceive themselves into thinking they can exploit His mercy.
The lesson here is deeply practical. Many people assume they have time to repent later, but neither Sirach nor Jesus allows for this illusion. God’s mercy is limitless for those who truly seek it, but it is not a shield for those who intentionally persist in wrongdoing. This is especially relevant in a world that normalizes sin while expecting unconditional acceptance. Many use mercy as an argument for moral permissiveness, but the biblical vision of mercy is one that calls for transformation, not tolerance of sin.
There is also a strong personal application. People often deceive themselves into thinking that as long as they “feel close to God,” they can live however they please. But faith without obedience is self-delusion. Sin hardens the heart, making repentance more difficult over time. This is why Sirach warns against delaying conversion because the longer one remains in sin, the harder it becomes to leave it. Likewise, Jesus’ radical statements about cutting off sources of sin remind believers that some things must be sacrificed for the sake of salvation. Whether it is pride, relationships, habits, or ambitions, anything that separates someone from God is not worth keeping.
So, is God’s mercy really unlimited? Yes, but it is not cheap. It demands a response. Those who believe they can live however they want and receive forgiveness without repentance are fooling themselves. God does not withhold His mercy, but He does not force it upon those who do not truly want it. The choice is always before us: to remain in sin while expecting mercy that we do not seek, or to truly repent and receive a mercy that not only forgives but transforms. Jesus’ warning is clear: take sin seriously or risk losing everything. Those who abuse God’s mercy today may one day stand before Him and realize too late that what they presumed upon was never theirs to manipulate.
O that today you would listen to his VOICE, harden not your hearts! (Ps. 95:7)
© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Seminário Padre Pedro Magnone, São Paulo, Brazil /
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