“Jesus Knows My Heart” is Not an Excuse for Disobedience

First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1,5-9
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 147:12-13,15-16,19-20
Gospel: Matthew 5:17-19

Many people today justify their actions, especially when they go against God’s commandments, by saying, “Jesus knows my heart.” It’s a phrase often used as a defence when confronted about moral failings, as if sincerity of heart alone is enough to excuse disobedience. A person who skips Mass may claim, “God understands my struggles.” Someone living contrary to biblical teachings might say, “Jesus knows I have a good heart.” While it is true that God sees and understands our struggles, this does not mean He excuses disobedience. If merely having a “good heart” were enough, there would be no need for divine law, the teachings of the Church, or the call to repentance. Scripture is clear: obedience is necessary for holiness. This is precisely the message found in today’s readings.

The first reading from Deuteronomy (4:1, 5-9) presents Moses addressing Israel before they enter the Promised Land, urging them to observe God’s commandments faithfully. The Sitz im Leben (historical and social setting) of this passage is Israel’s transition from wandering in the desert to establishing themselves as a nation under God’s law. Moses reminds them that their survival and wisdom depend on obedience to divine precepts. The Hebrew root word for “observe” in this passage, shamar (שָׁמַר), means to guard, to keep, to preserve diligently – implying not just passive acceptance but an active, careful adherence to God’s will. This concept counters the modern tendency to assume “intentions” matter more than actions. Moses insists that the people must not only believe in God’s goodness but also live according to His commandments.

The responsorial psalm (Psalm 147) continues this theme by stressing that God’s word is not just something to acknowledge, but something to follow. The psalmist praises God’s ordinances as life-giving, not optional suggestions but directives that bring blessings and wisdom. This contradicts the modern tendency to see God’s commandments as burdensome rules rather than paths to true freedom. Just as Israel’s faithfulness led to their prosperity, our obedience to God’s laws brings spiritual life rather than mere self-justification.

The Gospel reading (Matthew 5:17-19) is where Jesus clarifies that He did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfil it. The Sitz im Leben here is Jesus speaking within the Jewish framework of Torah observance, addressing those who thought He might be negating the old commandments. Instead, He intensifies them, saying that even the smallest commandment matters. The Greek root word that underlines this is plēroō (πληρόω), meaning to bring to full measure, to complete perfectly. Jesus does not dismiss obedience in favour of a vague, sentimental spirituality but demands full adherence to God’s moral law, both externally and internally. Saying “Jesus knows my heart” without living according to His commands is a contradiction. A “good heart” that deliberately disobeys God’s law is not truly good. Jesus makes it clear that those who obey and teach His commandments will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, while those who ignore them will be least. This dismantles the false notion that God’s love eliminates the need for moral responsibility.

Practically, this message calls for self-examination. If Jesus truly knows our hearts, He also knows when we are using excuses instead of striving to be better. Love for God is not proven by mere feelings or good intentions but by action, obedience, and perseverance in the faith. This should challenge us: do we justify sin, assuming God “understands,” or do we actively strive for righteousness? In addition, this passage urges us to take seriously the role of teaching the faith. Moses instructed Israel to teach the law to their children and future generations, implying that faith is not individualistic but communal. How often do we avoid teaching difficult moral truths because they are unpopular? Finally, Jesus’ words call us to humility and repentance. The proper response to “Jesus knows my heart” should not be an excuse for sin but a prayer: “Lord, purify my heart and help me to follow You faithfully.” Faith without obedience is presumption; obedience without faith is legalism – but true discipleship requires both.

O that today you would listen to his VOICE, harden not your hearts! (Ps. 95:7)


© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Seminário Padre Pedro Magnone, São Paulo, Brazil
nozickcjoe@gmail.com / fadacjay@gmail.com

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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1 day ago

Thank you Fr. I heard you loud and clear.
Ka Chineke meesie okwu

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